Head of Science: Miss A Austin |
Science Curriculum Statement
Our Science curriculum at Madeley School is underpinned by our core values of:
- Pride and respect
- Confidence
- Resilience
- Aspiration
- Positivity
- Enjoyment
- Politeness
Science Curriculum Intent
Science is the subject of discovery, innovation and creativity. Discovery of how the world works, our place, impact, role and the responsibilities we have in society. To explore how scientific ideas develop and how we learn by experimentation in order to innovate the technology of the future. We are committed to providing a stimulating, engaging and intellectually challenging learning environment to enable all our students to develop scientific consciousness, from the nanoscale to the intergalactic.
Science Curriculum Principles:
- To stimulate and develop our students’ interest and enjoyment of Science
- To enable our students to develop their scientific knowledge and understanding, and to apply this to new situations
- To ensure that our students develop their Science skills which will allow them to explore the world of Science and communicate their ideas
- To encourage our students to understand the role of Science in solving problems and to encourage them to use scientific enquiry and problem solving skills
- To ensure that our students develop their awareness of the importance of Science in everyday life and appreciate the contribution that Science makes to society, and to moral and ethical issues
- To provide careers information, education and guidance to motivate our students to become the scientists and engineers of tomorrow
Course Structure
Our students are taught through an exciting Shaw Education Trust developed course which is focussed heavily on practical skills and building foundation knowledge, ensuring that learners have a clear and secure understanding of science concepts. This approach identifies, clarifies and corrects science misconceptions so that learners establish clear science building blocks. Schemes focus heavily on ensuring learners have a grasp of the main concepts of science as well as developing their thirst for learning through practical work and skill development.
- Make predictions
- Make observations
- Use measuring instruments
- Interpret observations
- Solve problems
- Analyse data
- Evaluate scientific evidence
This will enable students to develop the intellectual and practical skills that allow them to explore the world of science. Throughout the course students will be assessed on their ability to identify, describe, explain, apply and link scientific concepts through termly assessment. In the summer term Year 7 and 8 will also complete an end of year exam covering all the topics taught in the year.
Year 7
Cell Biologist - using microscopy to understand the structure and function of cells and from this further understand how the human body works.
Geneticist- to explore how genetic information is passed on through generations.
Biochemist - explaining and applying knowledge of the processes of photosynthesis, cellular respiration and enzyme action.
Molecular Chemist - understanding the particle arrangement in states of matter as well as developing a greater understanding of atomic structure and chemical formulae.
Pharmacist - exploring the processes of solubility and evaporation from a chemistry perspective.
Analytical Chemist - to explore product formation in chemical reactions.
Engineer – exploring the concept of forces and how they interact.
Rollercoaster Engineer – further develop understanding of forces to explain how they impact motion and introduce the concept of energy stores and transfers.
Sound and light engineer - to explore the properties of light and sound
Year 8
Doctor - understand the spread and prevention of diseases and illness through medicine as well as through lifestyle and diet changes.
Physiotherapist – explain how organ systems work together to bring about movement, gas exchange and mass transport.
Ecologist - to construct food chains and webs as, well as evaluating the human impact of habitats and the environment.
Evolution scientist - exploring how differences arise within species as well as developing classification skills. Introducing the concept of evolution and how the theory was developed.
Materials scientist - explaining properties of elements through their atomic structure and location within the periodic table.
Analytical Chemist 2 - to look in depth at particle arrangement and the formation of substances through chemical reactions.
Acid scientist - performing chemical reactions to explain the properties of acids and alkalis as well as neutralisation reactions.
Heating engineer - explaining the processes of heat transfer in terms of energy transfers
Electrician - constructing circuits and using them to calculate and explain resistance.
Astronomer - to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of our solar system and beyond
Year 9
In Year 9, the curriculum emphasises skills and exam technique and covers the underpinning GCSE content which becomes more challenging towards Year 10.
Cell Biology – the study of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and how specialised cells arise from stem cells. An exploration of the medical applications of stem cells and latest technology.
Cell Transport – understanding how substances move in and out of cells via diffusion, osmosis and active transport.
Organisation – exploring the hierarchical organisation in plants and animals. Focus on the digestive system and enzyme action in humans; mass transport systems in plants.
Atomic Structure – gain an understanding of how models of atomic structure have developed over time. Investigating patterns in atomic structure and use of separation techniques.
Patterns in the Periodic Table – exploring the development of the periodic table over time. Predict patterns in reactivity using knowledge of the periodic table and atomic structure.
Electric Currents – revisit and further explore circuit construction and the links between current, potential difference and resistance in series and parallel circuits.
Electricity in the Home – develop an understanding of how electricity is delivered to appliances in homes. Be able to explain how the National Grid works and wire a plug.
Energy – understanding the difference between renewable and non-renewable resources, examples of each and how they are generated. Develop an appreciation of the environmental impacts of energy use.
Years 10 and 11
What course do I follow?
Separate sciences - GCSE Biology: AQA 8461, GCSE Chemistry: AQA 8462 and GCSE Physics: AQA 8463 OR Combined sciences - GCSE Combined Science – Trilogy: AQA 8464
A decision will be made towards the end of Year 9 about which Science route pupils will follow. This will be based on individual attainment and progress.
Aims of the course
The aim of the Science courses is to develop a critical approach to scientific evidence, explore the implications of science for society and to develop scientific literacy. Students are encouraged to explore, explain and theorise using scientific models, and develop a critical approach to scientific evidence.
Awarding Grades
Each qualification is graded on a 17-point scale: 1–1 to 9–9 where 9–9 is the highest grade. Students taking Higher Tier assessments will be awarded a grade within the range of 4–4 to 9–9 for each of the subjects. Students taking Foundation Tier assessments will be awarded a grade within the range of 1–1 to 5–5.
Subject Content
1. Cell biology
2. Organisation
3. Infection and response
4. Bioenergetics
5. Homeostasis and response
6. Inheritance, variation and Evolution
7. Ecology
8. Atomic structure and the periodic table
9. Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter
10. Quantitative chemistry
11. Chemical changes
12. Energy changes
13. The rate and extent of chemical change
14. Organic chemistry
15. Chemical analysis
16. Chemistry of the atmosphere
17. Using resources
18. Forces
19. Energy
20. Waves
21. Electricity
22. Magnetism and electromagnetism
23. Particle model of matter
24. Atomic structure
For each of the Science routes, there are six papers: two Biology, two Chemistry and two Physics. These take place at the end of Year 11. Each of the papers will assess knowledge and understanding from distinct topic areas.
Where can I find more information?
More information about the course can be found using the links below.
Assessment Resources
Specimen paper questions can be found using the links below.
Careers Information
Useful information on Science careers can be found using the links below.